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2025 Fun Festival

Registration is now LIVE!



STAR Assessments

The Skate Canada STAR consists of STAR assessments, STAR competition categories and supplementary events. For detailed information regarding competition please refer to refer to the Competition Program Requirements – STAR rule. A skater may choose to wear a CSA-approved hockey helmet during an assessment.

STAR 1-5 assessments are coach assessed and include Skills, FreeskateArtistic and Dance.

STAR 6-Gold assessments for Skills may be coach assessed or Evaluator assessed.

STAR 6-Gold assessments for Freeskate, Dance and Artistic are Evaluator assessed


The coaches will contact you when your child is eligible for an assessment. They may do one or more assessment at a time. Each assessment has a fee of $15 which must be paid in advance of your child's assessment day. Please use the link below to purchase the number of assessment tickets you will require.
Thanks to our Sponsors: